Friday, August 10, 2007

Don't Lose Focus

I heard someone say something yesterday that is worth posting here. He said, "Churches that are really focused on missions and evangelism avoid many problems that churches not focused on those activities face." Imagine that, when we focus on God's directives and when we have clear purpose, people tend to line up behind that purpose and get busy about changing their world rather than pursuing their own purpose and staying busy trying to change God's church to suit their own whims.

It's a challenge for all Christians, but I say especially for pastors. We have to keep our focus, no matter what else may happen. Just because the world may seem to be falling down around us does not mean that we abandon our vision and lose our focus. Our God is the only answer to this dying world, so when it seems to be falling down around us, we have the answer if we will simply remain focused.

Don't get so busy putting out fires that you forget to sow the seed and fertilize the soil.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this should be a fundamental focus for all churches, but seems to be one that often is cast to the side, especially during times of struggle within the church. It does not take great effort to look around in the community and see churches that have strayed from their convictions and purpose. I do believe that churches, like individuals, often panic in times of struggle. We live in a world that demands instantaneous action followed by overwhelming, positive results. God does not remain the center in these situations and we attempt to "fix" the situation ourselves. When this occurs in the church, there are competing agendas, the church begins to head in multiple directions and the purpose of the church begins to fade. The church forces itself into a grim situation and then changes are made. These changes center around individuals and not the glory and service for God. These situations can be avoided when, in times of panic, the church turns to God for direction instead of themselves. I believe this is why fellowship with other Christians in a church setting is important. It is human instinct to react in this manner, but hopefully, a strong, collective group of Christians can help guide each other and the church in times of crisis and not abandon God during the hard times. Therefore, a church that focuses on missions and evangelism does not have as many problems as those that stray from their foundation.