Wednesday, February 27, 2008

As an ADHD sufferer (actually, sufferer is probably a bad word, its usually pretty fun), this article from Al Mohler really sparked my attention. I do admit to struggling with ADHD, but this is an issue that I am often able to control without medication (though I do strongly suggest lots of coffee to help). I was not diagnosed until later in life, but I do know that it is a real disorder. I do share the concerns with Mohler and many others, however, that too many little boys are medicated for ADHD simply because parents and teachers are looking for the easy way out.

Trust me, its much easier to medicate a kid than to teach him discipline. Further, many little boys would do better sitting still if they were given opportunities to do "little boy" activities. You know, they are hyper. Maybe they need to climb trees and wrestle, and run.

Regardless, I got a kick out of this and I hope you do too. And, for all of you who saw that adorable picture of Wyatt from yesterday, do not be fooled, he can't sit still either.

When thinking of signs of our times, consider this advertisement from a Nebraska newspaper.

The ad was brought to my attention by a helpful listener to the radio program.
Now, let's think carefully about this. Can't sit still? Can't play quietly? Loses things? Does not seem to listen? Has difficulty paying attention? Is fidgety? Honestly, do you know any 6 to 12-year-old children who do not fit this description?

The number of children -- especially boys -- diagnosed with ADHD has skyrocketed in recent years. While some boys may well have some kind of genuine problem, the vast majority appear to be diagnosed as, well . . . boys. As physician Leonard Sax, author of Boys Adrift, explains, a diagnosis of ADHD lets everyone off the hook, so to speak. The boy is told he is not responsible for his behavioral problems, the parents are relieved of anxiety over inadequate parenting, teachers and bureaucrats have a new pathological slot into which boys can be filed, and drug companies get to sell pills. Everybody wins.

But, as Dr. Sax argues, the diagnosis and the drugs can have far-reaching consequences for the boy. I am not a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a pharmacologist, or a medical professional of any sort. I am a former boy, however, and I know very well that every boy I have ever known would fit the categories described in this advertisement.

I would write more about this, but I just can't sit still. Now, what were we talking about?

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