Thursday, June 12, 2008

Preachers, Pastors, CEOs, and Passion for Preaching

When men (boys, in my case) are called to preach that's exactly what they think..."I've been called to preach." It is a little later that those called to preach usually realize that the call to preach is also the call to pastor. Pastor is that little word used to refer to an elder in the church one time in the New Testament that paints the picture of a shepherd loving, leading, feeding and protecting his flock. Eventually, when God sees fit to place this "preacher" in a position to "pastor," the excited young man learns the difficult lesson that the pastor is also expected to be CEO of everything that takes place related to the church.

I know, John Piper's great book reminds us that pastors are not professionals, but that does not erase the expectation and the necessity of administration, putting out petty fires, and the overall stress of "managing" a NPO. I suppose the greatest frustration comes when "preachers" realize that they are expected to do so many things that are unrelated (at least seemingly) to their "call to preach."

If I may encourage other pastors, preachers, and church CEOs, guard your flock and return to your first love. God did call you to preach, the other things may very well be neccessary, but the call to preach must be tantamount in the pastor's life. Try to shed your frustrations, let the budget approval wait a day, spend extra time praying over and preparing your sermon this week. Preach the Word, and love it.

Robert Smith says, "Something happens to the carriers [of the gospel] as they share the gospel. It is not just what they see, hear, or feel; it is all three dimensions." So today, say it, hear it, and feel it. Experience the Word the way you expected to when you were called. Share it the way you hoped to when you stood before your church to announce the call that God had put in your life. Feel it the way you felt it when you stood to deliver your first sermon.

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1 comment:

Millions of Exaggerations said...

Excellent post! I don't think many people realize the business aspect of running a church. There's an excellent book called Career Crossover that is geared towards people in the business world who want to crossover into ministry and how their business skills can work to greatly advance their mission. Interesting and recommended read for anyone considering such a transition.